This documentation applies to NMS version 5.4. An online version of the software can be found here.
The CallManager plugin requires device specific configuration and is therefore disabled on new devices by default. The CallManager plugin enables you to monitor the Cisco Unified Communications Manager for real time performance counters and database information including statistics such as calls active, attempted, and completed on the cluster. CallManager also monitors statistics such as the performance of remote gateways, conference calling resources, and system performance counters such as memory, CPU, and disk space.
The CallManager plugin polls the CallManager object types you enable on the Object Types page. After you enable the device to send CallManager data, perform the following steps to enable the CallManager plugin for each device from which you want to poll CallManager metrics.
From the navigation bar, click the Devices menu and select Device Manager.
Either add a device with the CallManager plugin or edit a device to configure the CallManager plugin.
and select Add New Device to display the New Device page.
to display the Edit Device page.
- Click the plugin drop-down (displays SNMP) and select CallManager.
Select the CallManager Capable check box.
Click the Version drop-down and select the CallManager version.
In the CTI ID field enter the computer telephone integration (CTI) identifier.
In the Port field, enter the port number on the device for SevOne NMS to use to poll CallManager data.
In the Host Name field, enter the host name. If SevOne NMS cannot directly communicate with the CallManager, you must add the host name of a device that the CallManager can recognize. If there is direct communication with the CallManager, then the host name is the same as the IP address.
In the Username field, enter the user name SevOne NMS needs to authenticate onto the device.
In the Password field, enter the password SevOne NMS needs to authenticate onto the server.
Click the Publisher drop-down and select the device to be the publisher. The devices in the list are CallManager plugin enabled devices that SevOne NMS discovers with the role of Publisher.
Select the Use HTTPS check box if the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration is a secure site.
Select the Enable Pool Collection check box to enable collection of device pool information. This slows performance of the CallManager poller. Leave clear if you do not need device pool information.
On the New Device page, click Save as New to display the Edit Device page to perform the next step.
On the Edit Device page, click Edit Indicator Types to Monitor to display the Indicator Type Map page where you select to enable or disable the CallManager indicator types to poll on the device.