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Indicator Type Maps

This documentation applies to NMS version 5.4. An online version of the software can be found here.

The Indicator Type Maps page enables you to enable/disable polling of plugin specific indicators on a device.

When you edit a device on the Edit Device page, the CallManager plugin, the JMX plugin, and the SNMP plugin provide access to the Indicator Type Maps page.


CallManager Indicators

You enable the CallManager plugin for each device on the Edit Device page. The CallManager plugin discovers the device and the CallManager object types you enable on the Object Types page where you to define specific groups of indicators to poll by default. On the Edit Device page, in the CallManager plugin configuration section, click Edit Indicator Types to Monitor to display the CallManager Poller Indicator Type Mapping page. Note the legend/explanation for the indicators.

  • Bold โ€“ The CallManager plugin polls the indicator by default when discovered on the device.

  • Italic - The indicator's indicator type is enabled for polling on the Object Types page.

  • Normal - The indicator's indicator type is disabled and the indicator is not being polled.

JMX Indicators

You enable the JMX plugin for each device on the Edit Device page. The JMX plugin discovers the device and the JMX object types you enable on the Object Types page where you define specific groups of indicators to poll by default. On the Edit Device page, in the JMX plugin configuration section, click Edit Indicator Types to Monitor to display the JMX Poller Indicator Type Mapping page. Note the legend/explanation for the indicators.

  • Bold โ€“ The JMX plugin polls the indicator by default when discovered on the device.

  • Italic - The indicator's indicator type is enabled on the Object Types page.

  • Normal - The indicator's indicator type is disabled and the indicator is not being polled.

SNMP Indicators

You enable the SNMP plugin for each device on the Edit Device page. The SNMP plugin discovers the device and the SNMP object types you do not disable on the Object Types page where you define specific groups of indicators to poll by default. On the Edit Device page, in the SNMP plugin configuration section, click Edit Indicator Types to Monitor to display the SNMP Poller Indicator Type Mapping page. Note the legend/explanation for the indicators.

  • Bold โ€“ The SNMP plugin polls the indicator by default when discovered on the device.

  • Italic - The indicator's indicator type is enabled on the Object Types page.

  • Normal - The indicator's indicator type is disabled and the indicator is not being polled.

Enable Indicators

The Indicator Type Mapping pages display a list of available indicators for the plugin.

  • Click Select All to select the check box for all indicators and to attempt to poll all available plugin indicators on the device.

  • Click Deselect All to clear the check box for all indicators and to not attempt to poll any plugin indicators on the device.

  • Select the check box for each individual indicator to poll the indicators you select for the device.

  • Click Save Changes.