This documentation applies to NMS version 5.4. An online version of the software can be found here.
The JMX plugin requires device specific configuration and is therefore disabled on new devices by default. The JMX plugin enables you to monitor Java Management Extensions (JMX) systems. JMX is a Java specification technology (defined in JSR-160) which provides a standard means for Java applications to publish indicators to JMX compliant monitoring systems.
After you enable able the device to send JMX data to SevOne NMS, the JMX plugin polls the JMX object types you enable on the Object Types page. Perform the following steps to enable the JMX plugin for each device from which you want to poll JMX metrics.
From the navigation bar, click the Devices menu and select Device Manager.
Either add a device with the JMX plugin or edit a device to enable the JMX plugin.
and select Add New Device to display the New Device page.
to display the Edit Device page.
- Click the plugin drop-down (displays SNMP by default) and select JMX.
Select the JMX Capable check box.
In the Hostname field, enter the JMX server host name.
In the Port field, enter the port number on the JMX server for SevOne NMS to use.
Click the Connection Type drop-down.
Select JSR160 to connect to most JMX servers via JSR160.
Select AdminClient to use the IBM AdminClient protocol.
Click the Authentication Method drop-down.
Select None to have SevOne NMS not use an authentication method to access the device.
Select Username/Password to have SevOne NMS use a user name and password to access the device. Additional fields appear to enable you to enter the user name and password SevOne NMS needs to authenticate onto the device.
If you use WebSphere v8.5, select the Use Keystore check box and perform the following steps to select the Keystore and to enter the SSL credentials that enable you to use the JMX Keystore feature. Leave clear if you do not use WebSphere v8.5.
Click Upload Keystore to display the Import Keystore pop-up.
to navigate your file system hierarchy and select the Keystore.
In the Keystore Password field, enter the password SevOne NMS needs to authenticate onto the device.
If you use WebSphere v8.5, select the Use Truststore check box and perform the following steps to select the Truststore and to enter the SSL credentials that enable you to use the JMX Truststore feature. Leave clear if you do not use WebSphere v8.5.
Click Upload Truststore to display the Import Truststore pop-up.
to navigate your file system hierarchy and select the Truststore.
In the Truststore Password field, enter the password SevOne NMS needs to authenticate onto the device.
In the Connection Suffix field, enter the JMX server suffix SevOne NMS needs to gain access the JMX server. This is set to jmxrmi by default and should not be changed.
In the Name Filter field, enter the name of the filter to use to generate the names for the JMX objects.
In the Object Filter field, enter the filters to use to limit the discovery of JMX objects. To separate filters use the ; character.
On the New Device page, click Save as New to display the Edit Device page to perform the next step.
On the Edit Device page, click Edit Indicator Types to Monitor to display the Indicator Type Map page where you select to enable or disable the JMX indicator types to poll.