This documentation applies to NMS version 5.4. An online version of the software can be found here.
The Report Attachment Wizard enables you to add and edit the attachments that contain the charts and graphs in a report.
To access the Report Attachment Wizard from the navigation bar, click the Reports menu and select Create Report.
The Create Report button and the Create Report Template button on the Report Manager, the Create Report button on the Welcome Dashboard , and the Add button in the report title bar provide access the Report Attachment Wizard.
The reports and report templates you create from the attachments you define on the Report Attachment Wizard eliminate the need to repeatedly create individual graphs and tables each time you want to view data. Chaining enables you to add related attachments to a report.
Reports enable you to create and save a collection of attachments for specific device resources and for specific object resources so that you can retrieve the same data from the same resources at any time.
Report Templates are similar to reports with the added ability to define template attachments that do not have a specific resource. You define the report template properties to enable template attachments to derive applicable device resources from the Device Summary workflows or to derive applicable object resources from the Object Summary workflows. Report templates enable you to create a report that has template attachments without a specific resource and attachments with specific resources.
Chaining enables you to use the settings from an attachment to create a related attachment.
There are four fundamental parts to define a report.
The Report Manager enables you to manage reports, to manage report templates, and is an access point to all of the following report management workflows.
The Report Attachment Wizard enables you to create and maintain the attachments that are the content of the report that contain the tables, graphs, and charts of data.
The report appears on a new browser tab to enable you to define the attachment locations, chain attachments, use the report in a slide show, mark the report as a favorite or mark the report as a dashboard, change the data refresh rate, define the report time span, export the report to a .pdf format, export an attachment to a .csv format, and to lock a report from new attachments.
The Report Properties enable you to define the overall report name, view the report structure, and define the report sharing permissions. The Report Properties enables you to define report email delivery and FTP delivery settings and to define report template access settings.
The Sources pages enable you to select the source of the data to populate the attachment. Your source selection determines which fields appear on the subsequent wizard pages. As you proceed through the wizard pages, the source you select displays on the upper left side above the page navigation controls.
Click TopN to create an attachment that displays the top <n> items.
Click Performance Metrics to create a graph attachment of the data from plugins such as SNMP, IP SLA, xStats, etc.
Click Group Metrics to create an attachment that displays data aggregated by device group/device type or by object group. Not available for report templates.
Click FlowFalcon to create an attachment that displays flow data. Not available for report templates.
Click Alerts to create an attachment that displays alert data.
Click Status Maps to create an attachment that displays the physical or geographic layout of your network with status indicators. Not available for report templates or chaining.
Click Devices to create an attachment that displays device configuration information and element counts.
Click Device Groups to create an attachment that displays the device group/device type hierarchy and the devices that are associated to the device group/device type. Not available for report templates.
Click Objects to create an attachment that displays object configuration information and poll details. Not available for report templates.
Click Object Groups to create an attachment that displays the object groups and the objects that are associated to the object group. Not available for report templates.
Click Metadata to create an attachment that displays data attributes that are specific to your network. Not available for report templates or chaining.
Click Telephony to create an attachment that displays telephony data. Not available for report templates or chaining.
The TopN source enables you to create attachments that display a list of the hot spots in your network. The wizard selects the TopN source by default in new attachment workflows. Select the TopN source, if needed and click one of the following.
Click Finish to display the report with a TopN attachment that uses the Most Utilized Interfaces (In & Out) view for the time span of Today.
Click Next to display one of the following wizard pages.
The Resources page appears for report workflows.
The Time page appears for report template workflows.
The Chaining page appears for chaining workflows.
For report workflows, the Resources wizard page enables you to select the resources to graph. Leave the Current Resources field clear to include all devices, device groups/device types, or object groups.
Click the Type drop-down. You can select multiple resources and as you select each resource it appears in the Current Resources list.
Select Device, then click the Device drop-down and select the devices on which to report.
Select Device Group, then click the Device Group drop-down and select the device groups/device types on which to report.
Select Object Group, then click the Object Group drop-down and select the object groups on which to report.
If you select more than one device group/device type or more than one object group, click the Member of Any drop-down.
Select Member of Any to include devices as an OR operator, (e.g., run a report for devices that are either in Group 1 OR in Group 2 OR in Group 3)
Select Member of All to include devices as an AND operator, (e.g., run a report for devices that are in all groups you select; in Group 1 AND in Group 2 AND in Group 3).
Click Next to display the Time wizard page.
For chaining workflows, the Chaining wizard page enables you to set the resource limit and to split the results into separate attachments.
In the Resource Limit field, enter the number of resources to display in the chained attachment.
Select a Display Results option.
Select Combined to create one attachment that displays all applicable results.
Select Split to create multiple attachments, one result per attachment.
Click Next to display the Time wizard page.
The Time wizard page enables you to define the attachment time span and sort settings.
Click the Time Span drop-down. You can select multiple time spans. This enables you to see overall changes over time in one attachment. See the TopN Reports chapter for calculation details.
Example: An attachment can list the top 10 most utilized interfaces for this month, and show their utilization information for today and over the last three months.
Select Specific to display fields to enable you to define a specific time span.
Select Relative to display a text field where you can enter a relative time span that uses natural language processing such as; past 4 hours, last week, this month, today – last week, this week – last month, past month, from last month until now, from last month until yesterday, past 4 weeks, from past 10 weeks until past 2 weeks.
Select Week to display a pop-up that enables you to designate a specific week in the year by number (ex. week 23), to change when the year begins, and to designate that the first day of the week is a day other than Sunday.
Select Today to display data from 12:00am today until now.
Select Past <n> Hours, Days, Weeks to display data from <n> hours, days, or weeks ago until now.
Select Yesterday to display data from 12:00am yesterday until 12:00am today.
Select This Week, Month, Quarter to display data from 12:00am on the first day of the week, month, or quarter until now.
Select Last Week, Month, Quarter to display data from 12:00am on the first day of the last completed week, month, or quarter to 11:59pm on the last day of the last completed week, month, or quarter.
Projected - Attachments can display future projections based on historical trends. SevOne NMS performs a linear interpolation based on historical data that extends six times the length of the projected interval into the past.
Select Next <n> to project data for the next <n> days, months, or year.
Click the Time Zone drop-down and select a time zone.
Click the Aggregation Type drop-down.
Select Average to have each data point display the average of the values in each data bucket for the time span you specify.
Select Maximum to have each data point display the maximum value in each data bucket for the time span you specify.
Click the Aggregation drop-down. Available options are dependent on the selection you make in the Time Span field.
Select Auto to use the fastest/most applicable frequency aggregation.
Select Hourly to use data stored in hourly buckets. You define how long to store data in hourly buckets on the Cluster Manager Cluster Settings tab. Hourly buckets are useful when the time span is less than one week.
Select Daily to use data stored in daily buckets. You define how long to store data in daily buckets on the Cluster Manager Cluster Settings tab. Daily buckets are useful when the time span is between the one week and three months.
Select Weekly to use data stored in weekly buckets. Data stays in weekly bucket for 365 days. Weekly buckets are useful when the time span is between three months and one year.
Select Monthly to use data stored in monthly buckets. Data stays in monthly buckets for 730 days. Monthly buckets are useful when the time span is between one year and two years.
Click the Sort By drop-down and select the time span on which to sort the data. This is important for when you select several time span options. When you select to sort by a projected time span, additional options become available on the Settings wizard page.
Click the Sort Order drop-down and select Ascending to sort data in ascending order or select Descending to sort data in descending order.
Click Next.
The Settings wizard page enables you to define attachment settings including the TopN view. Views define the data to appear in the report. SevOne NMS provides a starter set of TopN views to enable you to create common TopN attachments. See the Manage TopN Views section below.
On the Settings tab on the Settings page, click the View drop-down and select a view. Add View, Edit View, and Delete View enable you to manage TopN views. Delete View does not appear for starter set views because you cannot delete the starter set views.
In the Result Limit field, enter the number of results to display.
Select the Percentage check box to compare capacity or leave clear to compare the relative values of the different metrics.
Click the Preferred Units drop-down and select Bits to format the unit of measure as bits where applicable. If the unit of measure is not compatible to bits and you select this option the report displays the unit of measure of the first indicator type in the view. Select Bytes to format the unit of measure in bytes.
The Days To Threshold fields enable you to define a data threshold when you select to Sort By a projected time span on the Time page.
Click the first drop-down and select None, enter 0 (zero) in the numeric field, and select Percent (default) from the second drop-down to not define a threshold.
Click the first drop-down and select Less Than, enter the threshold value in the numeric field, and select the unit of measure from the second drop-down to define a threshold for declining values.
Click the first drop-down and select Greater Than, enter the threshold value in the numeric field, and select the unit of measure from the second drop-down to define a threshold for increasing values.
Select the Display R Value (Certainty) check box to display the percentage of data points that were relevant to the display of a projected trend.
Select the Exceeding Only check box to only display objects projected to exceed 100 percent for the time span you select.
On the Advanced Settings tab, click the Work Hours drop-down.
Select None to include all data for the device.
Select Device Work Hours to include data for the work hours that you associate with the device on the Edit Device page.
Click Next.
The Visualizations wizard page enables you to define how you want to display the report data. The visualizations you select display
and when you select multiple visualizations, the attachment displays the report data in each of the visualizations you select.
Pie – Displays the data as a pie graph. This visualization is useful for percent reports.
Table – Displays the data in a table format.
Hidden – Creates an attachment that does not display in the report. This enables you to use this attachment to create other (children) chained attachments without displaying this attachment in the report. If you select the Hidden visualization, all other visualizations are disabled and unavailable.
For the Pie visualization, hover the cursor over the
to display
and click to display the following settings.
Select the Display Logo check box to display a logo in the attachment.
Select the Display Legend check box to display a legend in the attachment.
Select the Display Time Span check box to display the time span in the attachment.
For the Table visualization, hover the cursor over the
to display
and click to display the following settings.
The Columns fields enable you to define the data columns to display. Move the columns to display to the Using field on the right.
Fields below the Available field and the Using field enable you to search for a column.
Select a row and click the green arrows on the right to change the column sequence.
Select the User Friendly Times check box to use human readable dates when you extract the attachment data to a .csv format. Leave clear to use a UNIX time stamp in the .csv which enables further manipulation of the data.
Select the Abbreviate Numbers check box to abbreviate large numbers (e.g., 5000 becomes 5K). Leave clear to enter the data precision in the Precision field.
Select the CSV When Mailed check box to email the attachment in a .csv format to the recipients you define on the Report Properties Delivery tab.
When you select the Hidden visualization all other visualizations are deselected. When you finish the attachment definition and click Finish, the report appears without the attachment. Perform the following steps to chain from a Hidden visualization attachment.
In the report title bar, click
and select Edit Report to display the Report Properties.
On the Report Properties, select the Report Structure tab, if needed.
Locate the Hidden visualization attachment in the list of attachments.
Right-click, select Chain, and then:
Select Quick Chain to create an attachment that contains the next logical set of data that is related to the current attachment. A tool tip displays the attachment source to create.
Select Custom to display the Report Attachment Wizard pre-populated with the attachment settings from the Hidden visualization attachment.
Select Simple to add a separator simple attachment or to add a text simple attachment to the report.
Click Next.
The Summary page displays a summary of the attachment definition.
Click on a row to navigate to the page where you can edit the item.
Click Finish to display the attachment in the report.
Views enable you to define the indicator data to display in TopN attachments. SevOne NMS provides a starter set of TopN views to enable you to create common TopN attachments.
TopN Views |
Highest Average Ping Times |
Highest IP SLA Jitter |
Highest IP SLA Jitter Response Times |
Highest Maximum Ping Times |
Highest Packet Loss |
Highest TCP Response Time |
Least Available TCP Ports |
Least Reachable Devices |
Most Discarding Interfaces (in and out) |
Most Errored Interfaces (in and out) |
Most Packets Transmitted (in and out) |
Most Utilized Interfaces (in and out) |
Slowest Web Pages |
From the Settings wizard page, click Add View or click Edit View to display a pop-up that enables you to manage the TopN views you use to create TopN attachments. Each step in this section is dependent on the preceding step.
In the Report View Name field, enter the name of the view. When you edit a view, this field displays the view name. If the view is a starter set view you must change the name before you can save your changes.
Click the Plugin drop-down and select the plugin that polls the object type on which to report.
Click the Object Type drop-down and select the object type that contains the indicator on which to report.
Select the Only Display Common Subtypes check box to filter the Object Subtype list to display only object subtypes you mark as common on the Object Subtype Manager.
Click the Object Subtype drop-down and select an object subtype.
Click the Indicator Type drop-down and select the indicator type on which to report.
In the Indicator Alias field, enter the indicator name to display in the attachment.
Example: To have an Octets indicator display as Incoming Bandwidth.
Click the Aggregation drop-down.
Select Average to average all data in each data bucket to create the data point for each bucket.
Select Minimum to find the minimum value in each data bucket to create the data point for each bucket.
Select Maximum to find the maximum value in each data bucket to create the data point for each bucket.
Select Percentile. An additional field appears to enable you to enter a percentile. Indicators for which you select Percentile do not appear in reports for projected time spans and a report view must contain at lease one indicator that is something other than Percentile.
Click the Filter Options drop-down and select a comparison operator to filter results. If you select a comparison operator other than None, fields appear to enable you to enter a filter value and to select the unit of measure for the filter value.
Select the Sorted Data check box to enable users to sort the results on the data from this indicator. Leave clear to display data for the indicator in the report without the ability to sort the report on its data. This check box is not applicable for indicators for which you select Percentile in the Aggregation field above.
Click Add Indicator to add the indicator to the Current Indicators list and to the view.
Repeat the previous steps or select the check box for each indicator on which to report additional metrics and click Clone to add additional indicators to the Current Indicators list and to the view.
In the Current Indicators list, click the Default Direction drop-down and select to sort data in either Ascending or Descending order.
Click Save. The view is available from the View drop-down on the Settings wizard page.
The Performance Metrics source enables you to create attachments that display statistical graphs for the objects and indicators on devices. On the Sources page, click Performance Metrics to display one of the following wizard pages.
The Resources page appears for report workflows.
The Chaining page appears for report template workflows and for chaining workflows.
Resources (Report Workflows)
For report workflows, the Resources wizard page enables you to select the indicators to graph.
Click the Type drop- down. You can select multiple resources and as you select each resource it appears in the Current Resources list.
Select Indicator to report on data from specific indicators on a specific device.
Click the Device Group drop-down and select a device group/device type to filter the list of devices.
Click the Device drop-down and select the device that contains the objects on which to report.
Click the Object drop-down and select the objects that contain the indicators on which to report. You can select multiple objects.
Click the Indicator drop-down and select the indicators on which to report.
Select Device Group Member to report on data from a group of indicators polled by a specific plugin across multiple devices.
Click the Device Group drop-down and select the device group/device type on which to report.
Click the Plugin drop-down and select the plugin that polls the object type on which to report.
Click the Object Type drop-down and select the object type that contains the indicator types on which to report.
Click the Indicator Type drop-down and select the indicator types on which to report.
Select Object Group Member to report on data from a group of indicators polled by a specific plugin across multiple objects.
Click the Object Group drop-down and select the object group that contains the object types on which to report.
Click the Plugin drop-down and select the plugin that polls the object type on which to report.
Click the Object Type drop-down and select the object type that contains the indicator types on which to report.
Click the Indicator Type drop-down and select the indicator types on which to report.
Repeat the steps in this section to add additional resources.
After you select resources, there are two paths:
Click Finish to create a Performance Metrics attachment with the default settings.
Click Next to display the Time page.
For report template workflows and for chaining workflows, the Chaining wizard page enables you to set the resource limit and to split the results into separate attachments.
In the Resource Limit field, enter the number of resources to display in the chained attachment.
Select a Display Results option.
Select Combined to create one attachment that displays all applicable results.
Select Split to create multiple attachments, one result per attachment.
Click Next to display one of the following pages.
The Resources page appears for report template workflows.
The Time page appears for chaining workflows.
Resources (Report Templates Workflow)
For report template workflows, the Resources wizard page enables you to select the indicator types for which the report template is to be applicable.
Click the Plugin drop-down and select the plugin that polls the object type on which to report.
Click the Object Type drop-down and select the object type that contains the indicator types on which to report.
Click the Indicator Type drop-down and select the indicator types on which to report. You can select multiple indicator types and as you select each indicator type it appears in the Current Resources list.
Repeat the steps in this section to add additional resources.
Click Next to display the Time page.
The Time wizard page enables you to define the attachment time span.
Click the Time Span drop-down.
Select Specific to display fields to enable you to define a time span.
Select Relative to display a text field where you can enter a relative time span that uses natural language processing such as; past 4 hours, last week, this month, today – last week, this week – last month, past month, from last month until now, from last month until yesterday, past 4 weeks, from past 10 weeks until past 2 weeks.
Select Week to display a pop-up that enables you to designate a specific week in the year by number (ex. week 23), to change when the year begins, and to designate that the first day of the week is a day other than Sunday.
Select Today to display data from 12:00am today until now.
Select Past <n> Hours, Days, Weeks, Months to display data from <n> hours, days, or weeks ago until now.
Select Yesterday to display data from 12:00am yesterday until 12:00am today.
Select This Week, Month, Quarter to display data from 12:00am on the first day of the week, month, or quarter until now.
Select Last Week, Month, Quarter to display data from 12:00am on the first day of the last completed week, month, or quarter to 11:59pm on the last day of the last completed week, month, or quarter.
Click the Time Zone drop-down and select a time zone.
Click Next.
The Settings wizard page enables you to adjust the attachment default settings. When you choose to use aggregation, data is grouped into buckets based on the Time Span you select on the Time page and the aggregation size you enter. Data in each bucket is then aggregated to create one data point on the graph per bucket. Each bucket contains the data for each aggregation size interval.
Example: Select Past 8 Hours from the Time Span drop-down on the Time page and enter 10 Minutes in the Aggregation Size fields to create 48 buckets and 48 data points.
On the Settings tab, select the Percentage check box to compare capacity or leave clear to compare the relative values of the different metrics.
On the Data Aggregation tab, select the Use Aggregation check box to create aggregated data points. Leave clear to graph all raw data without aggregation.
If you select the Use Aggregation check box, click the Aggregation Type drop-down.
Select Auto to use the highest applicable frequency aggregation. The Bar, Stacked Bar, and Stacked Line visualizations use Auto aggregation.
Select Average to calculate the average values in each bucket (sum all the values in the bucket divided by the number of values in the bucket) to create a graph where each data point is the average value per aggregation size interval.
Select Minimum to find the lowest value in each bucket to create a graph where each data point is the minimum value for each aggregation size interval.
Select Maximum to find the highest value in each bucket to create a graph where each data point is the maximum value for each aggregation size interval.
Select Total to add all data in each bucket to create a graph where each data point is the total amount of data for each aggregation size interval. This option is not available for Gauge type indicators.
If you select an aggregation type other than Auto, in the Aggregation Size Period field, enter the amount of time you want to collect data before data is saved and a new bucket is created, then click the Aggregation Size Unit drop-down and select the unit of measure for the aggregation size time period.
On the Data Analysis tab, click the Trending drop-down. For details regarding trend calculations, see the Instant Graphs topic.
Select None to disable trending.
Select Historical Trend to trend data six times back in history. This considers all data in the time period you specify for the graph, plus an additional 5x as much time before the graph begins.
Select Standard Trend to trend the data for the time span you define. This only considers data collected within the time period you specify for the graph to calculate the trend line.
Select Projected Trend to consider all data in the time period you specify, plus an additional 5x as much time as the difference between the time to project data until and the time the graph ends, assessed back from the time that the graph ends. If you select this option, enter the number of days in the Projection Time field.
If you select a Trending other than None, click the Trending Type drop-down.
Select Linear to display a linear trend line. Data is linear if the data point pattern resembles a line. A linear trend line typically shows that something increases or decreases at a steady rate.
Select Exponential to display a curved trend line for data values that rise or fall at increasingly higher rates.
Select Logarithmic to display a logarithmic trend line for a curved line that is most useful when the rate of change in the data increases or decreases quickly and then levels out.
Select Power to display a curved trend line to compare measurements that increase at a specific rate.
Select the Display Percentiles check box to evaluate the regular and sustained utilization of the indicator's data and calculate the percentage of usage you define. If you select this check box, enter the percentage in the text field. The Line visualization displays an additional line on the graph and other visualizations display this information in the legend.
Select the Display Baselines check box to display each indicator's baseline on the graph. Baselines appear on the graph as dashed, light colored, box shaped lines. If you select this check box, the Standard Deviation field enables you to enter a standard deviation that displays the measure of dispersion in a frequency distribution equal to the square root of the mean of the squares of the deviations from the arithmetic mean of the distribution.
Select the Use Time Over Time check box to add a second data representation to the graph. This enables you to display data for a specific period of time on the graph. Time Over Time graphs use aggregated data.
If you did not select the Use Aggregation check box on the Data Aggregation tab in step 2 of this section, the Use Aggregation check box now appears selected and disabled. The Aggregation Type on the Data Aggregation tab defaults to Auto and can be changed as described in step 3.
If you select the Use Time Over Time check box, perform the following steps.
Click the Time Over Time Type drop-down.
Select Average to display the average value for each aggregated data point in the corresponding time span.
Select Minimum to display the lowest value for each aggregated data point in the time span.
Select Maximum to display the highest value for each aggregated data point in the time span.
Select Total to display the sum of the data for each aggregated data point in the time span.
In the Time Over Time Period text field, enter a number for the length of the interval then click the drop-down and select the unit of measure for the time span.
Select the Display Only Averaged Indicator check box to display only the time over time line on the graph without any other indicator data. Leave clear to display both indicator data and time over time data.
On the Work Hours tab, click the Work Hours Group drop-down.
Select None to include all data for the device in the report.
Select Device Work Hours to include data for the work hours that you associate with the device on the Edit Device page.
Select Custom to display fields that enable you to define custom work hours.
Select System Default to include data for the work hours you designate to be the default work hours.
Select a work hour group you define on the Work Hours page.
Click Next.
The Visualizations wizard page enables you to define how you want to display the report data. The visualizations you select display
and when you select multiple visualizations, the attachment displays the report data in each of the visualizations you select. The visualizations that appear are dependent on the resources you select and there can be two pages of visualizations.
Page One
Line - Overlays all indicators and displays each indicator with its own line. You can define line graphs to display trends and to display past data as an additional line on the graph.
Bar - Displays a graph of qualitative independent variables such as when you need to compare the in octets of two or more routers.
Pie – Displays the data as a pie graph. This visualization is useful for percent reports such as when you need to graph the available hard drive space on a device.
Stacked Line - Displays each graph line stacked above the prior graph line to better visualize how values compare as a whole. A stacked line graph extracts the poll points that occur at different times and calculates the averages to plot the data points on the graph as though they occur at the same time.
Stacked Bar - Displays each graph bar stacked above the prior graph bar to better visualize how values compare as a whole.
Radial - Display the data as a gauge.
Page Two
Calendar – Displays indicator performance over time. If you select the Calendar visualization, all other visualizations are disabled and unavailable.
Table - Displays the data as a table.
Hidden – Creates an attachment that does not display in the report. This enables you to use this attachment to create other (children) chained attachments without displaying this attachment in the report. If you select the Hidden visualization, all other visualizations are disabled and unavailable.
For the Line, Bar, Pie, Stacked Line, Stacked Bar, and Radial visualizations, hover the cursor over the
to display
and click to display the following settings.
Select the Display Logo check box to display a logo in the attachment.
Select the Display Legend check box to display a legend in the attachment. When you select to display the legend, the next five check boxes are enabled.
Select the Display Frequency check box to display the poll frequency in the legend.
Select the Display Last Poll check box to display the value of the last successful poll in the legend.
Select the Display Aggregation check box to display the type of aggregation you select for the calculation of the data in the legend.
Select the Display Average check box to display the average in the legend.
Select the Display Maximum check box to display the data peak point in the legend.
Select the Display Time Span check box to display the time span in the attachment.
Select the Display Outline check box to have the graph appear within an outline within the attachment. Not applicable for the Pie visualization.
Select the Scaled to Max check box to scale the graph to the largest actual value present. Leave clear to scale the graph to the maximum potential data value. This check box is irrelevant for indicators that do not have a defined maximum value and is not applicable for the Pie visualization.
Select the Dual Y-Axes check box to display a Y axis on the left of the graph and a Y axis on the right of the graph. This is useful when graph results are diverse. The legend displays triangles to indicate which axis the graph item uses. Line visualization only.
Select the Rounded Y Axis Value check box to round all left-hand Y axis grid line values and to round the top right-hand Y axis grid line value when you have dual Y axes. Not applicable for Pie or Radial visualizations.
Select the Rounded X Axis Value check box to round the X axis grid line values. Not applicable for Pie or Radial visualizations.
Select the Scale to Minimum Value check box to scale the graph from maximum down to the minimum actual value. Leave clear to scale the graph from maximum down to zero. Not applicable for Pie, Stacked Bar, or Radial visualizations.
Select the Logarithmic Scaling check box to more accurately reflect data that is affected by a large spike which causes the rest of the graph to appear flat. Line visualization only.
Exact Same Graph with Different Visualization Settings
When you select the Calendar visualization, all other visualizations are deselected.
Click the Calendar Type drop-down.
Select Day to display an attachment with daily graphs for the time span you select.
Select Week to display an attachment with weekly graphs for the time span you select, starting on Sunday.
Select Month to display an attachment with monthly graphs for the time span you select.
Select Quarter to display an attachment with quarterly graphs for the time span you select.
Select Year to display an attachment with a yearly graph for the time span you select.
For the Table visualization, hover the cursor over the
to display
and click to display the following table settings.
The Columns fields enable you to define the data columns to display. Move the columns to display to the Using field on the right.
Fields below the Available field and the Using field enable you to search for a column.
Select a row and click the green arrows on the right to change the column sequence.
Select the User Friendly Times check box to use human readable dates when you extract the attachment data to a .csv format. Leave clear to use a UNIX time stamp in the .csv which enables further manipulation of the data.
Select the Abbreviate Numbers check box to abbreviate large numbers (e.g., 5000 becomes 5K). Leave clear to enter the data precision in the Precision field.
Select the CSV When Mailed check box to email the attachment in a .csv format to the recipients you define on the Report Properties Delivery tab.
When you select the Hidden visualization all other visualizations are deselected. When you finish the attachment definition and click Finish, the report appears without the attachment. Perform the following steps to chain from a Hidden visualization attachment.
In the report title bar, click
and select Edit Report to display the Report Properties.
On the Report Properties, select the Report Structure tab, if needed.
Locate the Hidden visualization attachment in the list of attachments.
Right-click, select Chain, and then:
Select Quick Chain to create an attachment that contains the next logical set of data that is related to the current attachment. A tool tip displays the attachment source to create.
Select Custom to display the Report Attachment Wizard pre-populated with the attachment settings from the Hidden visualization attachment.
Select Simple to add a separator simple attachment or to add a text simple attachment to the report.
Click Next.
The Summary wizard page enables you to view a summary of the attachment definition.
Click on a row to navigate to the page where you can edit the item.
Click Finish to display the report.
The Group Metrics source enables you to create attachments that aggregate data at the device group/device type level or the object group level. The Group Metrics source is not available for report templates. On the Sources page, click Group Metrics to display one of the following wizard pages.
The Resources page appears for report workflows.
The Chaining page appears for chaining workflows.
For report workflows, the Resources wizard page enables you to select the indicators to graph. Each attachment can graph up to 1000 indicators from any number of different device groups or object groups in the same graph.
Click the Group Type drop-down.
Select Device Groups, then click the Device Groups drop-down and select the check box for each device group/device type on which to report.
Select Device Groups Children, then click the Device Groups drop-down and select the check box for each parent device group/device type to graph poll data from the device groups/device types that are subordinate to the device groups/device types you select.
Select Object Groups, then click the Object Groups drop-down and select the object groups on which to report.
Click the Plugin drop-down and select the plugin that polls the object type on which to report.
Click the Object Type drop-down and select the object type that contains the indicator types on which to report.
Click the Indicator Type drop-down and select the indicator types on which to report. You can select multiple indicator types.
Click the Aggregation drop-down and select the aggregations to use to calculate the data points. As you select aggregations the resource appears in the Current Resources list.
Repeat the steps in this section to add additional resources.
Click Next to display the Time page.
For chaining workflows, the Chaining wizard page enables you to set the resource limit and to split the results into separate attachments.
In the Resource Limit field, enter the number of resources to display in the chained attachment.
Select a Display Results option.
Select Combined to create one attachment that displays all applicable results.
Select Split to create multiple attachments, one result per attachment.
Click Next to display the Time page.
The Time wizard page enables you to define the attachment time span.
Click the Time Span drop-down.
Select Specific to display fields to enable you to define a specific time span.
Select Relative to display a text field where you can enter a relative time span that uses natural language processing such as; past 4 hours, last week, this month, today – last week, this week – last month, past month, from last month until now, from last month until yesterday, past 4 weeks, from past 10 weeks until past 2 weeks.
Select Week to display a pop-up that enables you to designate a specific week in the year by number (ex. week 23), to change when the year begins, and to designate that the first day of the week is a day other than Sunday.
Select Today to display data from 12:00am today until now.
Select Past <n> Hours, Days, Weeks to display data from <n> hours, days, or weeks ago until now.
Select Yesterday to display data from 12:00am yesterday until 12:00am today.
Select This Week, Month, Quarter to display data from 12:00am on the first day of the week, month, or quarter until now.
Select Last Week, Month, Quarter to display data from 12:00am on the first day of the last completed week, month, or quarter to 11:59pm on the last day of the last completed week, month, or quarter.
Click the Time Zone drop-down and select a time zone.
Click Next.
The Settings wizard page enables you to set the preferred unit.
Click the Preferred Units drop-down and select Bits for network oriented data or select Bytes for server oriented data.
Click Next.
Group Metrics attachments use the Table visualization with the following settings.
The Columns fields enable you to define the data columns to display. Move the columns to display to the Using field on the right.
Fields below the Available field and the Using field enable you to search for a column.
Select a row and click the green arrows on the right to change the column sequence.
Select the User Friendly Times check box to use human readable dates when you extract the attachment data to a .csv format. Leave clear to use a UNIX time stamp in the .csv which enables further manipulation of the data.
Select the Abbreviate Numbers check box to abbreviate large numbers (e.g., 5000 becomes 5K). Leave clear to enter the data precision in the Precision field.
Select the CSV When Mailed check box to email the attachment in a .csv format to the recipients you define on the Report Properties Delivery tab.
Click Next.
The Summary wizard page enables you to view a summary of the attachment definition.
Click on a row to navigate to the page where you can edit the item.
Click Finish to display the report.
The FlowFalcon source enables you to create attachments for flow technologies to provide visual details of over or under utilization of a network resource, application traffic, and port conversation activity. The FlowFalcon source is not available for report templates. On the Sources page, click FlowFalcon to display one of the following wizard pages.
The Resources page appears for report workflows.
The Chaining page appears for chaining workflows.
For report workflows, the Resources wizard page enables you to select the interfaces, device groups/device types, or object groups on which to look for flow data.
Click the Type drop-down. You can select multiple resources and as you select each resource it appears in the Current Resources list.
Select Interfaces to graph flow data from the interfaces you allow on the Flow Interface Manager.
Click the Device drop-down and select a device from which flow data originates. Select All Devices to graph flow data from all devices.
Click the Interface drop-down and select the interfaces from which flow data originates. Select All Interfaces to graph flow data from all interfaces on the device you select in the previous step.
Click the Direction drop-down and select whether to graph flow data that is Incoming, Outgoing, or for All Directions. Some flow sources only provide incoming data.
Select Device Groups, then click the Device Group drop-down and select the device groups/device types from which flow data originates.
Select Object Groups, then click the Object Group drop-down and select the object groups from which flow data originates.
Click Next to display the Time page.
You can click Finish to create an attachment that uses the Top Talkers view with the default settings for the resources you select.
For chaining workflows, the Chaining wizard page enables you to set the resource limit and to split the results into separate attachments.
In the Resource Limit field, enter the number of resources to display in the chained attachment.
Select a Display Results option.
Select Combined to create one attachment that displays all applicable results.
Select Split to create multiple attachments, one result per attachment.
Click Next to display the Time page.
The Time wizard page enables you to define the attachment time span.
Click the Time Span drop-down.
Select Specific to display fields to enable you to define a specific time span.
Select Relative to display a text field where you can enter a relative time span that uses natural language processing such as; past 4 hours, last week, this month, today – last week, this week – last month, past month, from last month until now, from last month until yesterday, past 4 weeks, from past 10 weeks until past 2 weeks.
Select Week to display a pop-up that enables you to designate a specific week in the year by number (ex. week 23), to change when the year begins, and to designate that the first day of the week is a day other than Sunday.
Select Today to display data from 12:00am today until now.
Select Past <n> Hours, Days, Weeks to display data from <n> hours, days, or weeks ago until now.
Select Yesterday to display data from 12:00am yesterday until 12:00am today.
Select This Week, Month, Quarter to display data from 12:00am on the first day of the week, month, or quarter until now.
Select Last Week, Month, Quarter to display data from 12:00am on the first day of the last completed week, month, or quarter to 11:59pm on the last day of the last completed week, month, or quarter.
Click the Time Zone drop-down and select a time zone.
Click Next.
The Settings wizard page enables you to define attachment settings including the FlowFalcon view. Views define the data to appear in the report. SevOne NMS provides starter set FlowFalcon views to enable you to create common FlowFalcon attachments. The FlowFalcon View Editor enables you to create FlowFalcon views that are specific to your network.
On the Settings tab on the Settings page, select the Aggregated Data check box to populate the View list with FlowFalcon views that use aggregated flow data (faster and less specific). Leave clear to populate the View list with views that use the raw flow data (slower and more specific).
Click the Metric drop-down. This field appears when you select the Advanced FlowFalcon Views check box on Cluster Manager Cluster Settings tab.
Select Bandwidth to populate the View list with views that focus the report on the volume of traffic.
Select Medianet to populate the View list with views that focus the report on Cisco Medianet video statistics.
Select Response Time to populate the View list with views that focus the report on the delays caused by various parts of the network. These views are for Cisco NAM devices.
Click the View drop-down and select a view. The list of views is dependent on the selections you make in the previous Settings steps.
Click the Network Segment drop-down and select a network segment. This enables you to resolve IP addresses into segments and to roll up results from the same segment into a single result. The Network Segment Manager enables you to create and modify network segments.
Select the Graph Other check box to display the flow for the top <n> results individually in the Pie visualization and the Stacked Line visualization plus a Remaining Traffic graph item that groups the flow for the remaining flow sources that meet the filter criteria. You define <n> results in the next step. Leave clear to display only the top <n> results in the Pie visualization and the Stacked Line visualization. Remaining Traffic continues to display in the Table visualization.
In the Result Limit field, enter the number of individual results to display in the attachment. Filters enable you to narrow the scope of the request (see the Filters section below). You can also modify the Current Resources list to limit the number of resources.
Click the Preferred Units drop-down and select Bits for network oriented data or select Bytes for server oriented data.
On the FlowFalcon tab, click the Split drop-down.
Select Nothing to combine all results from the same direction across the same interface to allow for greater detail in the result set.
Select Interfaces to separate flow data into individual interfaces.
Select Groups to separate flow data by device group/device type or object group depending on the resource you select. This option appears when you select Device Groups or Object Groups on the Resources page.
Select the Display as Rate check box to display the results as bits or bytes per second. Leave clear to display the total number of either bits or bytes.
Click the Granularity drop-down and select the interval between data points in the results. SevOne NMS is optimized to receive flows every one minute. If you configure the router to send flows at a different interval, this setting enables you to view the report at the granularity that matches the router flow timeout setting. A router flow cache setting other than one minute is not recommended.
Select Auto to use the highest applicable granularity for the best display and fastest load time based on the Time Span you select on the Time page.
Select a predefined interval.
Select Custom to enter a custom granularity. If you set the granularity to be too small for the time span, SevOne NMS adjusts the granularity.
On the FlowFalcon Resolution tab, click the Display DNS drop-down.
Select Display IP to display raw IP addresses.
Select Display DNS to display resolved domain names when possible.
Select Display Both to display both IP addresses and resolved domain names.
Click the Display Protocol drop-down.
Select Display Number to display raw protocol numbers.
Select Display Name to display resolved protocol names.
Select Display Both to display both numbers and resolved names.
Click the Display Port drop-down.
Select Display Number to see raw port numbers.
Select Display Name to display resolved port names.
Select Display Both to display both numbers and resolved names.
Click the Display DSCP drop-down.
Select Display Number to see DSCP port numbers.
Select Display Name to display DSCP port names.
Select Display Both to display both numbers and resolved names.
Click the Display AS drop-down.
Select Display Number to see AS port numbers.
Select Display Name to display AS port names.
Select Display Both to display both numbers and resolved names.
Click Next.
The Filters wizard page enables you to limit the results that appear in the attachment. Each filter contains one or more rules. Each filter rule applies to a specific flow field. A filter rule for a field not in the view is ignored. This enables you define filters independently from views.
When you apply a filter to an attachment that uses an aggregated view, the Remaining Traffic and Total Traffic numbers may appear inaccurate due to how data is aggregated and stored in pre-calculated buckets. If you do not receive the expected number of results after you apply a filter to an aggregated view, increase the number of aggregated results to store for each write interval on the Cluster Manager Cluster Settings tab (FlowFalcon Aggregation TopN).
Click the Select Field drop-down and select the field on which to define the filter. Fields that are in the view you select appear first in the drop-down list followed by every other known field from flow data.
Click the second drop-down (displays Equal To by default) and select a comparison operator. For each attachment, a data row displays if allowed by all filter rules with the word NOT in the operator and allowed by any other filter rule (if existent).
Mask - Flow data must match in the manner of IP address subnet masking.
Subnet - Flow data must be from the network segment you select from the Network Segment drop-down. You define network segments on the Network Segment Manager.
In the Enter Value field, enter the value on which to base the filter.
Click Add Filter to display the filter in the Current Filters list.
Repeat these steps to add filters to the list.
Click Next.
The filter Boolean expression works such that for each field, SevOne NMS creates a Boolean expression that consists of the negative rules and the positive rules. The negative rules are AND'd to form a sub-expression and the positive rules are OR'd to form a sub-expression. These sub-expressions are then AND'd to form the final expression for each field. Then, each field's composite expression is AND'd to other field expressions.
The Visualizations wizard page enables you to define how you want to display the report data. The visualizations you select display
and when you select multiple visualizations, the attachment displays the report data in each of the visualizations you select.
Pie - Displays the data as a pie graph.
Stacked Line - Displays each graph line stacked above the prior graph line to better visualize how values compare as a whole.
Table - Displays the data as a table.
For the Pie and Stacked Line visualizations, hover the cursor over the
to display
and click to display the following settings.
Select the Display Logo check box to display a logo in the attachment.
Select the Display Legend check box to display a legend in the attachment. When you select to display a legend in the attachment, the next check five boxes are enabled.
Select the Display Frequency check box to display the poll frequency in the legend.
Select the Display Last Poll check box to display the value of the last successful poll in the legend.
Select the Display Aggregation check box to display the type of aggregation you select for the calculation of the data in the legend.
Select the Display Average check box to display the average in the legend.
Select the Display Maximum check box to display the data peak point in the legend.
Select the Display Time Span check box to display the time span in the attachment.
Select the Display Outline check box to have the graph appear within an outline within the attachment. Stacked Line visualization only.
Select the Rounded Y Axis Value check box to round all left-hand Y axis grid line values and to round the top right-hand Y axis grid line value when you have dual Y axes. Stacked Line visualization only.
Select the Rounded X Axis Value check box to round the X axis grid line values. Stacked Line visualization only.
Select the Scale to Minimum Value check box to scale the graph from maximum down to the minimum actual value. Leave clear to scale the graph from maximum down to zero. Stacked Line visualization only.
Select the CSV When Mailed check box to email the attachment in a .csv format to the recipients you define on the Report Properties Delivery tab.
For the Table visualization, hover the cursor over the
to display
and click to display the following table settings.
The Columns fields enable you to define the data columns to display. Move the columns to display to the Using field on the right.
Fields below the Available field and the Using field enable you to search for a column.
Select a row and click the green arrows on the right to change the column sequence. The column with the red number one ( 1 ) is the primary sort column and the data from this column displays in the Stacked Line visualization and in the Pie visualization.
Within a row, click the gray up arrow or the down arrow to define the sort column and whether to display data in ascending or descending order.
Indicates you cannot remove this column from the table.
Select the User Friendly Times check box to use human readable dates when you extract the attachment data to a .csv format. Leave clear to use a UNIX time stamp in the .csv which enables further manipulation of the data.
Select the Abbreviate Numbers check box to abbreviate large numbers (e.g., 5000 becomes 5K). Leave clear to enter the data precision in the Precision field.
Select the CSV When Mailed check box to email the attachment in a .csv format to the recipients you define on the Report Properties Delivery tab.
Click Next.
The Summary wizard page enables you to view a summary of the attachment definition.
Click on a row to navigate to the page where you can edit the item.
Click Finish to display the report.
The Alerts source enables you to create attachments that display the current, active alerts in the system. On the Sources page, click Alerts to display the Aggregations wizard page.
The Aggregations wizard page enables you to define what groups of alerts to include in the attachment.
You can click Finish to create an Alerts attachment that uses the default settings.
Select one of the following options.
Select No Aggregation to display all current alerts.
Select Device to display alerts for specific devices.
Select Device Group to display alerts at the device group/device type level.
Select Object Group to display alerts for specific object groups.
Click Next to display one of the following pages.
The Resources page appears for report workflows.
The Time page appears for report template workflows.
The Chaining page appears for chaining workflows.
For report workflows, the Resources wizard page enables you to select the devices, device groups/device types, or object groups from which to display alert data. Leave the Current Resources field clear to include all devices, device groups/device types, or object groups.
Click the Type drop-down. You can select multiple resources and as you select each resource it appears in the Current Resources list.
Select Device, then click the Device drop-down and select the devices on which to report.
Select Device Group, then click the Device Group drop-down and select the device groups/device types on which to report.
Select Object, then click the Object Group drop-down and select the object groups on which to report.
Click Next to display the Time page.
For chaining workflows, the Chaining wizard page enables you to set the resource limit and to split the results into separate attachments.
In the Resource Limit field, enter the number of resources to display in the chained attachment.
Select a Display Results option.
Select Combined to create one attachment that displays all applicable results.
Select Split to create multiple attachments, one result per attachment.
Click Next to display the Time page.
The Time wizard page enables you to define the attachment time span.
Click the Time Span drop-down.
Select Specific to display fields to enable you to define a specific time span.
Select Relative to display a text field where you can enter a relative time span that uses natural language processing such as; past 4 hours, last week, this month, today – last week, this week – last month, past month, from last month until now, from last month until yesterday, past 4 weeks, from past 10 weeks until past 2 weeks.
Select Week to display a pop-up that enables you to designate a specific week in the year by number (ex. week 23), to change when the year begins, and to designate that the first day of the week is a day other than Sunday.
Select Today to display data from 12:00am today until now.
Select Past <n> Hours, Days, Weeks to display data from <X> hours, days, or weeks ago until now.
Select Yesterday to display data from 12:00am yesterday until 12:00am today.
Select This Week, Month, Quarter to display data from 12:00am on the first day of the week, month, or quarter until now.
Select Last Week, Month, Quarter to display data from 12:00am on the first day of the last completed week, month, or quarter to 11:59pm on the last day of the last completed week, month, or quarter.
Click the Time Zone drop-down and select a time zone.
Click Next.
The Settings wizard page enables you to set the number of results to display in the attachment.
In the Result Limit field, enter the number of results to display.
Click Next.
The Filters wizard page enables you to filter the results that display to ensure that the information is the most relevant to your needs.
Click the Select Field drop-down and select the field on which to define the filter.
Each filter for differing fields is AND'd.
Multiple filters for the same field are OR'd.
Click the second drop-down (displays Equal To by default) and select a comparison operator.
In the Enter Value field, enter the value on which to base the filter.
Click Add Filter to display the filter in the Current Filters list.
Repeat these steps to add filters to the list.
Click Next.
The Visualizations wizard page enables you to define how you want to display the report data. The visualization you select displays
. You can select one visualization for each Alerts attachment.
Bar - Displays a graph of qualitative independent variables.
Pie - Displays the data as a pie graph.
Table - Displays the data as a table.
Alert Summary – Displays the alert summary in the attachment.
Hidden – Creates an attachment that does not display in the report. This enables you to use this attachment to create other (children) chained attachments without displaying this attachment in the report. If you select the Hidden visualization, all other visualizations are disabled and unavailable.
For the Bar visualization, hover the cursor over the
to display
and click to display the following settings.
Select the Display Logo check box to display a logo in the attachment.
Select the Display Legend check box to display a legend in the attachment.
Select the Display Time Span check box to display the time span in the attachment.
Select the Display Outline check box to have the graph appear within an outline within the attachment.
Select the Rounded Y Axis Value check box to round the Y axis grid line values.
Select the Scale to Minimum Value check box to scale the graph from maximum down to the minimum actual value present. Leave clear to scale the graph from maximum down to zero.
For the Pie visualization, hover the cursor over the
to display
and click to display the following settings.
Select the Display Logo check box to display a logo in the attachment.
Select the Display Legend check box to display a legend in the attachment. When you select to display the legend, the next five check boxes are enabled.
Select the Display Frequency check box to display the poll frequency in the legend.
The Display Last Poll check box is irrelevant.
Select the Display Aggregation check box to display the type of aggregation you select for the data in the legend.
Select the Display Average check box to display the average number of occurrences in the legend.
Select the Display Maximum check box to display the peak number of occurrences in the legend.
Select the Display Time Span check box to display the time span in the attachment.
For the Table visualization, hover the cursor over the
to display
and click to display the following table settings.
The Columns fields enable you to define the data columns to display. Move the columns to display to the Using field on the right.
Fields below the Available field and the Using field enable you to search for a column.
Select a row and click the green arrows on the right to change the column sequence.
Within a row, click the gray up arrow or the down arrow to sequence the table data in either ascending or descending order on that column.
The red number indicates the sort priority.
Select the User Friendly Times check box to use human readable dates when you extract the attachment data to a .csv format. Leave clear to use a UNIX time stamp in the .csv which enables further manipulation of the data.
Select the Abbreviate Numbers check box to abbreviate large numbers (e.g., 5000 becomes 5K). Leave clear to enter the data precision in the Precision field.
Select the CSV When Mailed check box to email the attachment in a .csv format to the recipients you define on the Report Properties Delivery tab.
For the Alert Summary visualization, hover the cursor over the
to display
and click to display the following settings.
Select the Detailed Summary check box to display following text details below each report line.
Incidents - The total number of alerts.
Incident Time - The total time in alerts.
Up Time - The total time not in alerts.
MTTR - The Mean Time To Repair or average outage time.
Event Free - The percentage of time without alerts.
Affected - The number of affected sub-items and the total number of sub-items.
Select the Display All check box to display a green line for time spans when devices and indicators have no alerts and to display a gray line for time spans when a device did not exist within SevOne NMS.
Click the Default Depth drop-down and select the level of detail to display.
When you select the Hidden visualization all other visualizations are deselected. When you finish the attachment definition and click Finish, the report appears without the attachment. Perform the following steps to chain from a Hidden visualization attachment.
In the report title bar, click
and select Edit Report to display the Report Properties.
On the Report Properties, select the Report Structure tab, if needed.
Locate the Hidden visualization attachment in the list of attachments.
Right-click and select Chain then select:
Quick Chain - Select to create an attachment that contains the next logical set of data that is related to the current attachment. A tool tip displays the attachment source to create.
Custom - Select to display the Report Attachment Wizard pre-populated with the attachment settings from the Hidden visualization attachment.
Simple - Select to add a separator simple attachment or to add a text simple attachment to the report.
Click Next.
The Summary wizard page enables you to view a summary of the attachment definition.
Click on a row to navigate to the page where you can edit the item.
Click Finish to display the report.
The Status Maps source enables you to create attachments that display the physical or geographic layout of your network with status indicators. You define status maps on the Status Map Manager. The Status Maps source is not available for report templates and you cannot add chained Status Maps attachments. On the Sources page, click Status Maps to display the Resources wizard page.
The Resources page enables you to select the map to display.
Click the Map drop-down and select the map to display. You can include one map per attachment.
Click Next.
The Summary wizard page enables you to view a summary of the attachment definition.
Click on a row to navigate to the page where you can edit the item.
Click Finish to display the report.
The Devices source enables you to create attachments of tabular lists of devices. On the second Sources page, click Devices to display one of the following wizard pages.
The Resources page appears for report workflows.
The Settings page appears for report template workflows.
The Chaining page appears for chaining workflows.
For report workflows, the Resources wizard page enables you to select the devices or device groups/device types on which to report. Leave the Current Resources field clear to include all devices or device groups/device types.
You can click Finish to create an attachment with the default settings.
Click the Type drop-down. You can select multiple resources and as you select each resource it appears in the Current Resources list.
Select Device, then click the Device drop-down and select the devices on which to report.
Select Device Group, then click the Device Group drop-down and select the device groups/device types on which to report.
Click Next to display the Settings page.
For chaining workflows, the Chaining wizard page enables you to set the resource limit and to split the results into separate attachments.
In the Resource Limit field, enter the number of resources to display in the chained attachment.
Select a Display Results option.
Select Combined to create one attachment that displays all applicable results.
Select Split to create multiple attachments, one result per attachment.
Click Next to display the Settings page.
The Settings wizard page enables you to set the number of results to display in the attachment.
In the Result Limit field, enter the number of results to display.
Click Next.
The Filters wizard page enables you to filter the results that display to ensure that the report information is the most relevant to your needs.
Click the Select Field drop-down and select the field on which to define the filter.
Each filter for differing fields is AND'd.
Multiple filters for the same field are OR'd.
Click the second drop-down (displays Is by default) and select a comparison operator.
In the Enter Value field, enter the value on which to base the filter.
Click Add Filter to display the filter in the Current Filters list.
Repeat these steps to add filters to the list.
Click Next.
The Visualizations wizard page enables you to define how you want to display the report data. The visualizations you select display
Table – Displays the data as a table.
Hidden – Creates an attachment that does not display in the report. This enables you to use this attachment to create other (children) chained attachments without displaying this attachment in the report. If you select the Hidden visualization, all other visualizations are disabled and unavailable.
For the Table visualization, hover the cursor over the
to display
and click to display the following settings.
The Columns fields enable you to define the data columns to display. Move the columns to display to the Using field on the right.
Fields below the Available field and the Using field enable you to search for a column.
Select a row and click the green arrows on the right to change the column sequence.
Within a row, click the gray up arrow or the down arrow to sequence the data in the table in either ascending or descending order on that column.
The red number indicates the sort priority.
Select the User Friendly Times check box to use human readable dates when you extract the attachment data to a .csv format. Leave clear to use a UNIX time stamp in the .csv which enables further manipulation of the data.
Select the Abbreviate Numbers check box to abbreviate large numbers (e.g., 5000 becomes 5K). Leave clear to enter the data precision in the Precision field.
Select the CSV When Mailed check box to email the attachment in a .csv format to the recipients you define on the Report Properties Delivery tab.
When you select the Hidden visualization all other visualizations are deselected. When you finish the attachment definition and click Finish, the report appears without the attachment. Perform the following steps to chain from a Hidden visualization report attachment.
In the report title bar, click
and select Edit Report to display the Report Properties.
On the Report Properties, select the Report Structure tab, if needed.
Locate the Hidden visualization attachment in the list of attachments.
Right-click, select Chain and then:
Select Quick Chain to create an attachment that contains the next logical set of data that is related to the current attachment. A tool tip displays the attachment type to create.
Select Custom to display the Report Attachment Wizard pre-populated with the attachment settings from the Hidden visualization attachment.
Select Simple to add a separator simple attachment or to add a text simple attachment to the report.
Click Next.
The Summary wizard page enables you to view a summary of the attachment definition.
Click on a row to navigate to that setting page for the attachment definition item.
Click Finish to display the report.
The Device Groups source enables you to create attachments that display a tabular list of device group/device type associations. The Device Groups source is not available for report templates. On the second Sources page, click Device Groups to display one of the following wizard pages.
The Resources page appears for report workflows.
The Chaining page appears for chaining workflows.
For report workflows, the Resources wizard page enables you to select the devices and device groups/device types on which to report. Leave the Current Resources field clear to include all devices and device groups/device types.
Click the Type drop-down. You can select multiple resources and as you select each resource it appears in the Current Resources list.
Select Device, then click the Device drop-down and select the devices on which to report.
Select Device Group, the click the Device Group drop-down and select the device groups/device types on which to report.
If you select Devices, repeat to add device groups/device types or if you select Device Groups repeat to add devices.
Click Next to display the Visualizations page.
For chaining workflows, the Chaining wizard page enables you to set the resource limit and to split the results into separate attachments.
In the Resource Limit field, enter the number of resources to display in the chained attachment.
Select a Display Results option.
Select Combined to create one attachment that displays all applicable results.
Select Split to create multiple attachments, one result per attachment.
Click Next.
The Visualizations wizard page enables you to define how you want to display the report data. The visualizations you select display
Table – Displays the data as a table.
Hidden – Creates an attachment that does not display in the report. This enables you to use this attachment to create other (children) chained attachments without displaying this attachment in the report. If you select the Hidden visualization, all other visualizations are disabled and unavailable.
For the Table visualization, hover the cursor over the
to display
and click to display the following settings.
The Columns fields enable you to define the data columns to display. Move the columns to display to the Using field on the right.
Fields below the Available field and the Using field enable you to search for a column.
Select a row and click the green arrows on the right to change the column sequence.
Select the CSV When Mailed check box to email the attachment in a .csv format to the recipients you define on the Report Properties tab.
When you select the Hidden visualization all other visualizations are deselected. When you finish the attachment definition and click Finish, the report appears without the attachment. Perform the following steps to chain from a Hidden visualization report attachment.
In the report title bar, click
and select Edit Report to display the Report Properties.
On the Report Properties, select the Report Structure tab, if needed.
Locate the Hidden visualization attachment in the list of attachments.
Right-click, select Chain, and then:
Select Quick Chain to create an attachment that contains the next logical set of data that is related to the current attachment. A tool tip displays the attachment type to create.
Select Custom to display the Report Attachment Wizard pre-populated with the attachment settings from the Hidden visualization attachment.
Select Simple to add a separator simple attachment or to add a text simple attachment to the report.
Click Next.
The Summary wizard page enables you to view a summary of the attachment definition.
Click on a row to navigate to the page where you can edit the item.
Click Finish to display the report.
The Objects source enables you to create attachments that display a tabular list of object data. The Objects source is not available for report templates. On the second Sources page, click Objects to display one of the following wizard pages.
The Resources page appears for report workflows.
The Chaining page appears for chaining workflows.
For report workflows, the Resources wizard page enables you to select the devices, objects, or object groups on which to report. Leave the Current Resources field clear to include all devices, objects, or object groups.
Click the Type drop-down. You can select multiple resources and as you select each resource it appears in the Current Resources list.
Select Device, then click the Device drop-down and select the devices on which to report.
Select Object to enable the selection of objects for a specific device. Click the Device drop-down and select a device, then click the Object drop-down and select the objects on which to report.
Select Object Group, then click the Object Group drop-down and select the object groups on which to report.
Click Next to display the Settings page.
For chaining workflows, the Chaining wizard page enables you to set the resource limit and to split the results into separate attachments.
In the Resource Limit field, enter the number of resources to display in the chained attachment.
Select a Display Results option.
Select Combined to create one attachment that displays all applicable results.
Select Split to create multiple attachments, one result per attachment.
Click Next to display the Settings page.
The Settings wizard page enables you to set the number of results to display in the attachment.
In the Result Limit field, enter the number of results to display.
Click Next.
The Visualizations wizard page enables you to define how you want to display the report data. The visualizations you select display
Table – Displays the data as a table.
Hidden – Creates an attachment that does not display in the report. This enables you to use this attachment to create other (children) chained attachments without displaying this attachment in the report. If you select the Hidden visualization, all other visualizations are disabled and unavailable.
For the Table visualization, hover the cursor over the
to display
and click to display the following settings.
The Columns fields enable you to define the data columns to display. Move the columns to display to the Using field on the right.
Fields below the Available field and the Using field enable you to search for a column.
Select a row and click the green arrows on the right to change the column sequence.
Select the CSV When Mailed check box to email the attachment in a .csv format to the recipients you define on the Report Properties Delivery tab.
When you select the Hidden visualization all other visualizations are deselected. When you finish the attachment definition and click Finish, the report appears without the attachment. Perform the following steps to chain from a Hidden visualization report attachment.
In the report title bar, click
and select Edit Report to display the Report Properties.
On the Report Properties, select the Report Structure tab, if needed.
Locate the Hidden visualization attachment in the list of attachments.
Right-click, select Chain, and then:
Select Quick Chain to create an attachment that contains the next logical set of data that is related to the current attachment. A tool tip displays the attachment type to create.
Select Custom to display the Report Attachment Wizard pre-populated with the attachment settings from the Hidden visualization attachment.
Select Simple to add a separator simple attachment or to add a text simple attachment to the report.
Click Next.
The Summary wizard page enables you to view a summary of the attachment definition.
Click on a row to navigate to the page where you can edit the item.
Click Finish to display the report.
The Object Groups source enables you to create attachments that display a tabular list of object group associations. The Object Groups source is not available for report templates. On the second Sources page, click Object Groups to display one of the following wizard pages.
The Resources page appears for report workflows.
The Chaining page appears for chaining workflows.
For report workflows, the Resources wizard page enables you to select the devices, objects, or object groups for which to display data. Leave the Current Resources field clear to include all objects or all object groups.
Click the Type drop-down. You can select multiple resources and as you select each resource it appears in the Current Resources list.
Select Object to enable the selection of objects for a specific device. Click the Device drop-down and select a device then click the Object drop-down and select the objects on which to report.
Select Object Group, then click the Object Group drop-down and select object groups on which to report.
Click Next to display the Visualizations page.
For chaining workflows, the Chaining wizard page enables you to set the resource limit and to split the results into separate attachments.
In the Resource Limit field, enter the number of resources to display in the chained attachment.
Select a Display Results option.
Select Combined to create one attachment that displays all applicable results.
Select Split to create multiple attachments, one result per attachment.
Click Next to display the Visualizations page.
The Visualizations wizard page enables you to define how you want to display the report data. The visualizations you select display
Table – Displays the data as a table.
Hidden – Creates an attachment that does not display in the report. This enables you to use this attachment to create other (children) chained attachments without displaying this attachment in the report. If you select the Hidden visualization, all other visualizations are disabled and unavailable.
For the Table visualization, hover the cursor over the
to display
and click to display the following settings.
The Columns fields enable you to define the data columns to display. Move the columns to display to the Using field on the right.
Fields below the Available field and the Using field enable you to search for a column.
Select a row and click the green arrows on the right to change the column sequence.
Within a row, click the gray up arrow or the down arrow to sequence the data in the table in either ascending or descending order on that column.
The red number indicates the sort priority.
Select the CSV When Mailed check box to email the attachment in a .csv format to the recipients you define on the Report Properties Delivery tab.
When you select the Hidden visualization all other visualizations are deselected. When you finish the attachment definition and click Finish, the report appears without the attachment. Perform the following steps to chain from a Hidden visualization report attachment.
In the report title bar, click
and select Edit Report to display the Report Properties.
On the Report Properties, select the Report Structure tab, if needed.
Locate the Hidden visualization attachment in the list of attachments.
Right-click, select Chain, and then:
Select Quick Chain to create an attachment that contains the next logical set of data that is related to the current attachment. A tool tip displays the attachment type to create.
Select Custom to display the Report Attachment Wizard pre-populated with the attachment settings from the Hidden visualization attachment.
Select Simple to add a separator simple attachment or to add a text simple attachment to the report.
Click Next.
The Summary wizard page enables you to view a summary of the attachment definition.
Click on a row to navigate to the page where you can edit the item.
Click Finish to display the report.
The Metadata source enables you to create attachments that enable you to display a tabular view of data for the attributes you define on the Metadata Schema page. On the second Sources page, click Metadata to display one of the following wizard pages.
The Resources page appears for report workflows.
The Chaining page appears for chaining workflows.
For report workflows, the Resources page enables you to select the resource on which to report. Each Metadata attachment can contain one resource.
Click the Type drop-down.
Select Device, then click the Device drop-down and select the device on which to report.
Select Object to enable the selection of an object for a specific device. Click the Device drop-down and select a device, then click the Object drop-down and select the object on which to report.
Select Device Group, then click the Device Group drop-down and select the device group/device type on which to report.
Select Object Group, then click the Object Group drop-down and select the object group on which to report.
Click Next.
For chaining workflows, the Chaining wizard page enables you to set the resource limit and to split the results into separate attachments.
In the Resource Limit field, enter the number of resources to display in the chained attachment.
Select a Display Results option.
Select Combined to create one attachment that displays all applicable results.
Select Split to create multiple attachments, one result per attachment.
Click Next to display the Visualizations page.
The Visualizations wizard page enables you to define how you want to display the report data. The visualization you select displays
Table – Displays the data as a table.
Hidden – Creates an attachment that does not display in the report. This enables you to use this attachment to create other (children) chained attachments without displaying this attachment in the report. If you select the Hidden visualization, the Table visualization is disabled and unavailable.
For the Table visualization, hover the cursor over the
to display
and click to display the following setting.
Select the CSV When Mailed check box to email the attachment in a .csv format to the recipients you define on the Report Properties Delivery tab.
When you select the Hidden visualization the Table visualization is deselected. When you finish the attachment definition and click Finish, the report appears without the attachment. Perform the following steps to chain from a Hidden visualization report attachment.
In the report title bar, click
and select Edit Report to display the Report Properties.
On the Report Properties, select the Report Structure tab, if needed.
Locate the Hidden visualization attachment in the list of attachments.
Right-click, select Chain, and then:
Select Quick Chain to create an attachment that contains the next logical set of data that is related to the current attachment. A tool tip displays the attachment type to create.
Select Custom to display the Report Attachment Wizard pre-populated with the attachment settings from the Hidden visualization attachment.
Select Simple to add a separator simple attachment or to add a text simple attachment to the report.
Click Next.
The Summary wizard page enables you to view a summary of the attachment definition.
Click on a row to navigate to the page where you can edit the item.
Click Finish to display the report.
The Telephony source enables you to create attachments that display call statistics to assist with billing, track down call quality problems, detect telephone system abuse, and plan future telecommunications needs. The Telephony source is not available for report templates and you cannot add chained Telephony attachments. On the second Sources page, click Telephony to display the Aggregations wizard page.
The Aggregations wizard page enables you to define what telephony data to include in the attachment.
Click Finish to create a Telephony attachment with the default settings.
Select an aggregation option.
Select No Aggregation to display all telephony data.
Select Destination to display data for destination extensions.
Select Destination Codec to display data for destination codecs.
Select Destination IP to display data for destination IP addresses.
Select Destination Phone to display data for destination phone numbers.
Select Destination Pool to display data for destination pools.
Select Source to display data for source extensions.
Select Source Codec to display data for source codecs.
Select Source IP to display data source IP addresses.
Select Source Phone to display data for source phone numbers.
Select Source Pool to display data for source pools.
Select PBX Name to display data for the PBX.
Click Next.
The Time wizard page enables you to define the attachment time span.
Click the Time Span drop-down.
Select Specific to display fields to enable you to define a specific time span.
Select Relative to display a text field where you can enter a relative time span that uses natural language processing such as; past 4 hours, last week, this month, today – last week, this week – last month, past month, from last month until now, from last month until yesterday, past 4 weeks, from past 10 weeks until past 2 weeks.
Select Week to display a pop-up that enables you to designate a specific week in the year by number (ex. week 23), to change when the year begins, and to designate that the first day of the week is a day other than Sunday.
Select Today to display data from 12:00am today until now.
Select Past <n> Hours, Days, Weeks to display data from <X> hours, days, or weeks ago until now.
Select Yesterday to display data from 12:00am yesterday until 12:00am today.
Select This Week, Month, Quarter to display data from 12:00am on the first day of the week, month, or quarter until now.
Select Last Week, Month, Quarter to display data from 12:00am on the first day of the last completed week, month, or quarter to 11:59pm on the last day of the last completed week, month, or quarter.
Click the Time Zone drop-down and select a time zone.
Click Next.
The Settings wizard page enables you to set the number of results to display in the attachment.
In the Result Limit field, enter the number of results to display.
Click the Sort By drop-down and select the field on which to sort data.
Click the Sort Order drop-down and select Ascending to sort data in ascending order or select Descending to sort data in descending order.
Click Next.
The Filters wizard page enables you to filter the results that display to ensure the information is the most relevant to your needs.
Click the Select Field drop-down and select the field on which to define the filter.
Each filter for differing fields is AND'd.
Multiple filters for the same field are OR'd.
Click the second drop-down (displays Equal To by default) and select a comparison operator.
In the Enter Value field, enter the value on which to base the filter.
Click Add Filter to display the filter in the Current Filters list.
Repeat these steps to add filters to the list.
Click Next.
Telephony attachments use the Table visualization. Hover the cursor over the
to display
and click to display the following settings.
The Columns fields enable you to define the data columns to display. Move the columns to display to the Using field on the right.
Fields below the Available field and the Using field enable you to search for a column.
Select a row and click the green arrows on the right to change the column sequence.
Select the User Friendly Times check box to use human readable dates when you extract the attachment data to a .csv format. Leave clear to use a UNIX time stamp in the .csv which enables further manipulation of the data.
Select the Abbreviate Numbers check box to abbreviate large numbers (e.g., 5000 becomes 5K). Leave clear to enter the data precision in the Precision field.
Select the CSV When Mailed check box to email the attachment in a .csv format to the recipients you define on the Report Properties Delivery tab.
Click Next.
The Summary wizard page enables you to view a summary of the attachment definition.
Click on a row to navigate to the page where you can edit the item.
Click Finish to display the report.