This documentation applies to NMS version 5.4. An online version of the software can be found here.
The Telephony plugin requires device specific configuration and is therefore disabled on new devices by default. The Telephony plugin enables you to monitor real time support for Cisco, SIP, RTCP systems. For details about telephony data collection for reports, see the Telephony chapter.
The Telephony plugin supports the SIP vq-rtcpxr which is a SIP event package for Voice Quality Reporting (RFC 6035) and listens for the following SIP messages.
Avaya devices use Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) and Cisco devices create Call Detail Records (CDR) which contain details of the phone calls that pass through the device. The Telephony plugin polls SIP, CDR, and RTCP data which contain detailed information about calls that originate from, terminate at, or pass through the exchange.
A CDR is composed of fields that describe the exchange.
The number making the call (calling party)
The number receiving the call (called party)
When the call started (date and time)
How long the call was (duration)
The phone number charged for the call
The identifier of the telephone exchange writing the record
A sequence number identifying the record
Additional digits on the called number used to route or charge the call
The result of the call (whether it was answered, busy etc.)
The route by which the call entered the exchange
The route by which the call left the exchange
Call type (voice, SMS, etc.)
Any fault condition encountered
SevOne NMS uses the International Telecommunication Union G.107: E-model computational model for use in calculating telephony statistics. For details visit
You must enable Avaya devices to send Telephony data to SevOne NMS. Perform the following steps to enable the Telephony plugin for each device from which you want to poll Telephony metrics.
From the navigation bar, click the Devices menu and select Device Manager.
Either add a device with the Telephony plugin or edit a device to enable the Telephony plugin.
and select Add New Device to display the New Device page.
to display the Edit Device page.
- Click the plugin drop-down (displays SNMP by default) and select Telephony.
Select the Telephony Capable check box.
In the PBX Name field, enter the name of the telephony domain that the device controls.
Click the Type drop-down and select a telephony type. The option you select here determines the rest of the configuration fields.
Select RTCP (Avaya) to display the following fields.
In the Port field, enter the port number on the device for SevOne NMS to poll telephony data.
In the Threads field, enter the number of threads to dedicate to this process.
Select the Time Synced check box if your Avaya phones are time synced. This enables high precision latency measurements. If your phones are not time synced, leave this check box clear and the Telephony plugin uses internal logic to determine latency.
Select SIP to display the following fields.
In the Port field, enter the port number on the device for SevOne NMS to poll telephony data.
In the Threads field, enter the number of threads to dedicate to this process.
Select CallManager to display the following fields.
In the SFTP Host field, either enter the SFTP host name or select the Auto Detect check box to have the Telephony plugin detect the host.
In the CDR WDSL Path field, enter the path to the CDR WDSL.
In the Limit get_file_list field, enter the number of requests per minute to which to limit the get_file_list calls per minute.
In the Limit get_file field, enter the number of requests per minute to which to limit the get_file.
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